.. include:: common.inc .. toctree:: :hidden: versioning Current Status known_issues Design Rules contents analog digital sim verification Python API previous glossary contributing partners Welcome to SkyWater SKY130 PDK's documentation! =============================================== .. warning:: This documentation is currently a **work in progress**. .. image:: _static/skywater-pdk-logo.png :align: center :alt: SkyWater PDK Logo Image. .. _CurrentStatus: Current Status - |current-status| ================================= .. include:: status.rst :start-after: current_status_text Resources ========= The latest SkyWater SKY130 PDK design resources can be downloaded from the following repositories: * `On Github @ google/skywater-pdk `_ * `Google CodeSearch interface @ https://cs.opensource.google/skywater-pdk `_ * `foss-eda-tools.googlesource.com/skywater-pdk `_ Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`glossary` * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`